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The Magnificent Eloquence of The Messenger*

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Let it be considered that the highest of the high, an envoy of the Truth [Allāh], Allāh’s most beloved worshipper, the head of humanity, a crowned leader, a prince before whom even kings bowed, a master of the first and the last, the messenger to man and jinn, a great personality, even though he was under no obligation, humbly rose and took [her] hand with affection, kissed [her] brow, and honored her by seating her in the place where he had been sitting—all this, even though, on any account, it was she who should have been honoring him.

Prof. Dr. M. Es’ad Cosan
(May Allah have mercy on him)

From the Lady ‘Aishah, the Honored Wife and Mother of Believers, it has been reported that the Revered Messenger [Muhammad] (peace and blessings be upon him) declared:

“I have not seen anyone of a more seemingly happy appearance, a more lovable nature and temper, and a more serene manner than the daughter of the Messenger, the Lady Fatima (May Allah honor her!). When Fatima came before the Messenger, he would rise to his feet to greet her, take hold of his daughter’s hand, kiss her (on the forehead), and then sit her down where he was sitting. 

In reciprocity, when the Messenger came to see his daughter Fatima, the Lady Fatima would stand up to greet [him], take hold of his hand, kiss (his blessed face), and sit him down where she herself had been sitting.”1

In this narrative, the value the Revered Messenger accorded to his children, the extraordinary regard he showed—a monument of refinement, a peak of gracefulness, and an example of sparkling good manners—is laid out before our eyes with all splendor and magnificence. Faced with this scene of matchless love, respect and affection, it is impossible not to be touched and moved.

Let it be considered that the highest of the high, an envoy of the Truth [Allah], Allah’s most beloved worshipper, the head of humanity, a crowned leader, a prince before whom even kings bowed, a master of the first and the last, the messenger to man and jinn, a great personality, even though he was under no obligation, humbly rose and took [her] hand with affection, kissed [her] brow, and honored her by seating her in the place where he had been sitting—all this, even though, on any account, it was she who should have been honoring him.

Most importantly, also, this noble behavior flowed in a milieu far from the “civilization” in which cruel, crude, violent people lived, who felt ashamed of female children, who deemed it strange to love, kiss, and caress a child, and even who did not shudder at burying alive pitiful, innocent children.

Here is the greatness of the success of Islam! Here is the lofty character and nobility of the Messenger of Allah!

O most honored of humans, greatest and most graceful, peace and blessings upon you! You were the one who esteemed and protected the female sex that had been scorned and crushed for ages! It was you who advised males that behaved well toward them! It was you who taught nations their rights long, long before the modern ages!


*Başmakaleler 2: Kadın ve Aile Dergisi Başmakaleleri, Istanbul: Server İletişim, 2008 (an article [first published] May 1985), p. 17-18.

1.As narrated by ‘Aishah: For the narration see al-Bukhari, al-Adab al-mufrad, p. 337, hadith no: 971; Abu Dawud, “Adab,” 144, hadith no: 5217; al-Tirmidhi, “Manakib,” 61, hadith no: 3872; al-Nasa’i, al-Sunan al-Kubra, V, 96, hadith no: 8369; Ibn Hibban, XV, 403, hadith no: 6953; hadith no: 6953; Hakim, III, 174, hadith no: 4753.

Article “The Magnificent Eloquence of The Messenger” Professor M. Es’ad Coşan