The foremost reason for failure as an individual or for backwardness as a community is a lack of education.

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Prof. Dr. M. Es’ad Cosan
(May Allah have mercy on him)

The foremost reason for failure as an individual or for backwardness as a community is a lack of education. In that case, what is a good education? Without a doubt, a good education is one that benefits not only people’s bodies, but also their souls, their life in this world and their life in the hereafter, one that makes them happy and lucky in the two worlds, one that earns them knowledge and skill as well as a conscience, wisdom, and maturity, one that leads them on the right road and one that secures them becoming people who are blessed and beautiful. While the head is being filled with knowledge during studies, the heart and soul must not be neglected. The conscience must be taught. The appetite must be disciplined. Lusts must be brought under control. Bad habits must be abandoned. The mindset of using the knowledge a person has acquired for the good of humanity must absolutely be mastered.

Quote “” Prof. Dr. M. Es'ad Coşan (May Allah have mercy on him!)