Respect For Knowledge And Expertism*

Most importantly, become familiar and discover genuine scholars, both new and old; value the works of those who have the most authority; the most knowledgeable, the most pious, the most virtuous (fādhil), the most lettered and most perfect (kāmil) scholars.

Translations in other Languages

Prof. Dr. M. Es’ad Cosan
(May Allah have mercy on him)

Everyone in Turkey is free to write about whatever topic they wish; this is to their own discretion, conscience and reason. If a person desires, he can write, speak, warn, direct, criticize, correct mistakes and enlighten others with experience and authority on topics that are within his field of knowledge and expertise; such a person will be of great benefit to our society, country and religion. We express our gratitude to such people.

Again, if a person wishes, he may express his opinions on matters that are not within his field of expertise, however, there is always the possibility of the individual being greatly mistaken, disgracing himself, blundering, making a fool of himself, committing sin...even becoming dangerous and harmful.

Unfortunately, exceeding authority; entering into fields that are not within the individual’s knowledge without considering their own ignorance on topics concerning religion and belief is extremely common today. For example, someone appears who attacks and accuses our great scholars with ostentation; his own personal opinion(!). At first glance, one can see that these are groundless, unattested, illogical remarks. Another person emerges, a so called genuine mujahid (!) and rejects religious duties, rejects the religious sciences; claims the Sunnah is an innovation, condemns our schools of thought, and introduces perverted beliefs as if he is an interpreter of Islamic law (!).

Some individuals attempt to interpret the Qur’an with no knowledge of the Arabic language, and others attempt to portray the law without knowing fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). They attempt to interpret great works that they are unable to understand in their own language; and corrupt these valuable works by eliminating parts they fail to understand. Another individual appears and attempts to guide (!) and warn the highest level scholars with his pen, admonishing them in an arrogant manner while his ignorance is obvious and even his spelling is incorrect...

This confusion in the field of knowledge-if not deliberate-emerges from arrogance and a deficiency in morals. We must adopt a stance against this.

 In view of this:

  1. We should ask such people their field of expertise; their studies and authority in this field; ask them to provide documentation for the absurdities they put forth, and demand that they remain silent if they are unable to do so. If they continue to convey their own ideas and judgements, then refuse to purchase or read their books, journals, articles, etc. Refuse to listen to them; to prevent their ignorance before it becomes even more widespread, avoid giving them financial or spiritual recognition.
  2. Most importantly, become familiar and discover genuine scholars, both new and old; value the works of those who have the most authority; the most knowledgeable, the most pious, the most virtuous (fādhil), the most lettered and most perfect (kāmil) scholars.
  3. Promote, recommend and distribute the works, books and journals that you read and enjoy so “the one who denotes good is rewarded as if he performed goodness.”1
  4. When purchasing a publication (book, journal, etc.), purchase these by asking, consulting, and selecting carefully so you are not mistaken and regret buying the book. Our time is too precious and limited to be wasted on poor quality publications, claims and ideas; as for the works, course of events and words that begin to emerge, there is such a variation and volume that, besides being expensive, it is impossible to read and understand these without help.

* Başmakaleler 1: İslam Dergisi Başmakaleleri, Istanbul: Server İletişim, 2017, pp. 87-88.
1.Tirmidhi, “Ilm”, 14, hadith no: 2670; Abū Ya’lā, al-Musnad, VII, 275, hadith no: 4296.

Article “Respect For Knowledge And Expertism*” Prof. Dr. M. Es'ad Coşan (Rh.a.)